Who is this artist?

About Karolina Szablewska

Who is this artist?

Karolina painting at Nuit Blanche in Halifax
Karolina painting at Nuit Blanche in Halifax

Who is this artist?

My name is Karolina Szablewska. I’m a Polish-Canadian, and I originally immigrated to Canada in 1998. I come from a very small town with its own castle, and now I live in Montreal. I’ve lived in a few different cities in Eastern Canada. 

I’ve been making art since I was a little kid, however I decided to get “serious” about it as a teenager. I always wanted to work for myself, to be a business owner, so naturally taking commissions as an artist started when I was 14. That was also when I participated in my first juried art exhibition, and sold my first drawing. 

A Pokémon I created when I was 10. I had a whole “Pokedex” full of creatures & stories about them.

I started drawing with plain HB pencil on old scrap paper. Nothing fancy! I had a great art teacher in high school, who encouraged me to try every medium he had in stock. This is how I ended up doing acrylics, oils, pastels, charcoal, watercolour….sculpture, pottery even. Thanks Mr. Payette!

I went to art school at NSCAD University in Halifax, but I ended up taking film production. Yet another medium to add to my list, and what in actuality is now my job. I am a Producer, creating documentaries and work on an animated web series, while doing other commercial projects.

By incident, I also learned to knit and worked in various yarn stores during university. Now, I do it for fun and design my own patterns.

Knitted Socks
One of Karolina’s first pair of socks!

cycling in montreal
I like to bike!

The things I like doing in my free-time include: hiking, reading, exploring, watching films, baking, writing, weight lifting, and trying new experiences. I’ll do anything at least once, why not? I love psychology, technology, food, and nature. I’m a happy owner of a prosthetic hip since 25. It gave me my life back.

One of my most important values is my freedom. I also see success as the effort in trying and learning, the process, not “can’t” or failures. That said, I know life is hard and I’m pretty down to earth. 

My Artist CV.

If you think I’m alright and my art is cool, stay in touch by joining my secret art club:

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