


Below is a list of short films and documentaries Karolina has worked on or produced. New work may be added here, but as Karolina is the co-owner of Stereokroma Creative Services, new commercial and original work is most likely found there. Check out her company:


snowman melting watercolour comic panel

Current Work

  • Où Se Trouve Webseries (2015 – ongoing)

    A series that showcases various artisans and businesses which create products, showing the process involved and the people behind the craft. Some subjects include: wood turning, candy making, mural painting, greenhouse technology. This series has garnered mass online attention on popular blogs like Popular Mechanics, This is Colossal. The series has millions of views.

  • Où Se Trouve Special Feature on Greenfield Guitars (2016)

    This is a special feature production at Greenfield Guitars, follow Michael Greenfield and how he creates his acoustic guitars. It is a 60 minute documentary showing the process in detail, likewise featuring musicians playing his instruments.

  • Micro ASMR (2015)

    A short series focusing on macro videography of various objects and various chemical and physical reactions with added sound design. It is a total ASMR experience.

Karolina’s Films


Other Film Productions

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