Resonance: the Works of Pita Pitussi

Resonance: the Works of Pita Pitussi


An improvised documentary project I participated in. It was very collaborative, where all members made equal contributions. I was a Co-Director, Camera Operator, and the Colourist.


Resonance – the Works of Pita Pitussi from Justin Tomchuk on Vimeo.


From Vimeo:

Hidden away in the forests of Nova Scotia is Pita Pitussi, a practicing artist who creates towering, imposing metallic sculptures – some of which can be played as instruments or even ridden as bikes. In his studio, we are introduced to his large-scale provocative paintings that incorporate a variety of unique techniques and psychological imagery. In ‘Resonance – the Works of Pita Pitussi’, we get a glimpse of his life philosophy and his relationship to his work.


  • Higher Hope Film Festival – Thousand Oaks, California (2013)


The Team: Karolina Szablewska, Justin Tomchuk, Becca Babcock, Carolyn Thomas, Pita Pitussi

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