017 OCT2019 Ornament
5″x5″ ink drawing on hand-torn bristol paper, part of the Inktober Cyborgs book made for Inktober 2019. A cyborg with an ornate jaw plate for status, street fashion.
5″x5″ ink drawing on hand-torn bristol paper, part of the Inktober Cyborgs book made for Inktober 2019. A cyborg with an ornate jaw plate for status, street fashion.
5″x7″, oil painting on canvas paper. En plein air painting of the Verdun waterfront showing bike paths, gentle cloudy skies, and a condo building. ~2019
8″x10″ watercolor on wood with watercolor ground. En plein air painting of the flowers gardens at Atwater Market created entirely on-location. ~2019
9″x12″ en plein air painting of a red house and weeping willow on the Verdun waterfront. Watercolor on paper, 2019.
9″x12″ en plein air painting of Verdun waterfront. Verdun citizens enjoying the shade on a 25C day in July, a Verdun neighbourhood painting created on location. -2019
9″x12″, en plein air oil painting, painted outdoors in Verdun, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
5″x5″ ink drawing on hand-torn bristol paper, part of the Inktober Cyborgs book made for Inktober 2019. A cyborg drinking hot chocolate in a sweater with a loose thread.
5″x5″ ink drawing on hand-torn bristol paper, part of the Inktober Cyborgs book made for Inktober 2019. A stubborn babcia cyborg carrying home groceries.
5″x5″ ink drawing on hand-torn bristol paper, part of the Inktober Cyborgs book made for Inktober 2019. Misfit parts in disposal carts.